Pipe Online - Retic Fittings , Plumbing Fittings, Reticulation Supplies supplied Australia wide




Commonly used beneath roads, landscapes, lawns and areas prone to flooding to drain the subsoil

For 100mm Cl 1000 draincoil or 160mm Cl 400 draincoil please contact us to make a special order

Product Specification

Item Price Min. QTY  

Draincoil Cl 400, 100mm x 20m Slotted, Unsocked

$162.26 + GST

Draincoil Cl 400, 100mm x 20m Unslotted, Unsocked

$119.03 + GST

Draincoil Cl 400, 100mm x 20m Slotted with RTA Sock

$173.25 + GST

Draincoil Cl 400, 100mm x 100m Slotted with RTA Sock

$858.38 + GST

Draincoil Cl 200, 160mm x 20m Slotted with RTA Sock

$524.85 + GST