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Add-A-Station allows 2 valves to operate independently

using 1 active wire from the controller to the valve pair

A Valve Locator assists in locating solenoid valves under the ground

The Holman splitter is designed to split an exisiting station into 2,3 or 4 valves

Holman Splitter Pro - Product Specification

Item Price Min. QTY  

A. Valve Locator with flashing led "rattlers"

$46.45 inc GST

B. Holman Add-A-Station 2 Stations 1 Wire- 2 Valves

$108.98 inc GST

C. Holman Splitter PRO - 1 wire - 2, 3 or 4 Valves

$213.60 inc GST

D. Tools Valve and Cable Locator

$208.13 inc GST